Creative & Connected Communities

“My humanity is bound up in yours, for we can only be human together.”

Desmond Tutu

Our Approach

Our Aim

Our aim is to support individuals to access existing services by raising awareness and training volunteers who have a wide range of language skills because that is often cited as a barrier to inclusion. Where possible we will work using informal relationships with organisations and share knowledge and skills to eliminate duplication of service delivery. The local authority and medical professionals have all highlighted that the number of people who are struggling is increasing; part of our remit will be to arrange training and forums so that agencies will work more efficiently and effectively to reduce the numbers of people who struggle on without any support.

We want to improve people’s Physical & mental health and wellbeing, reduce isolation and loneliness, relieve poverty, and address issues that has an adverse effects on people’s lives. We want to work nationally and internationally but our main aim is to promote the wellbeing of the inhabitants of the Ealing, Hounslow, Hillingdon and neighbouring boroughs.

— Our Mission

 Creative and Connected Communities aims are to relieve the effects of loneliness, isolation, and mental health issues through providing advice, support, creative activities, and practical solutions.

To rebuild lives and creating meaningful relationships, through the recovery model.

To support and encourage vulnerable people to improve their lives and to have as much independence and stability as possible.

To empower people to lead positive and independent lives by voicing their concerns and needs openly. Supporting marginalised, isolated and lonely individuals to integrate and make connections in their communities through Art, educational, social and cultural activities.

 Providing a safe meeting place where people can be themselves by establishing or to secure the establishment of Community wellbeing Hubs.

— Our Vision

1. Provide recreational facilities and practical assistance as well as signposting individuals to other relevant organisations. 

2. Provide or secure the provision of welfare rights advice and information and refer those in need of professional assistance to the relevant agencies; 

3. Provide, maintain and equip, or assist in the provision, maintenance and equipment of, premises and facilities designed to carry out the objects of the Charity. 

4. Promote and carry out, or assist in promoting and carrying out research, surveys and investigations, and publish the useful results thereof.

5. Organise or assist in organising meetings, wellbeing sessions, classes and exhibitions and publish or assist in publishing reports, periodicals, recordings, books or other documents or information

Our Team

Rozeena Durrani

Community Services Director

Shelley Kohli


Priya Pawar
